Monday, July 14, 2014

Week 27 Monday (7/14/14)

Recipe Review

Today’s Recipe and Location:           Indian Fry Bread and Indian Tacos
         Found in: The Pioneer Woman blog

            What the heck is Indian fry bread?  Apparently, it was created by the Native Americans in our country. There was one article about the Navajo Indians and their version of fry bread.  I like that this is a historical recipe.
         I found many recipes but they were all almost identical. What you top them with is different, however.  It looks interesting.

Random Reflections - Bucket List

The Scent family is large and unfortunately our history is extremely difficult to trace beyond my Grandfather’s generation. My goal is to put a tremendous amount of effort into researching as far back as I can, even if I have to enlist the help of a geneology expert.

Becky’s Bucket List #16
Finish writing a book on the Scent Family
Save up enough money for a down payment on my Kentucky house
Research every town in Kentucky in hopes of relocating
Work on learning calligraphy and bettering daily penmanship
Begin making my own clothing using a mannequin
Volunteer at an animal rescue
Visit all 50 states
Photography courses
Complete all of Mom’s and my scrapbooks
Go skiing again in Colorado
Meet the Duggar family
Watch every nominee and winner for the Academy Awards to date
Remodel my kitchen
Take piano lessons
Write 2 books for my great-nephews
Travel to Wales
Travel to Scotland
Alaskan cruise

Why Weight?

         7/6             Sunday              2,005 calories         nothing        
         7/7             Monday             1,524 calories         Curves                                                                                                          
         7/8             Tuesday             1,575 calories         nothing
                                                                                    (pulled muscle)                  
         7/9             Wednesday         1,490 calories        nothing                 
         7/10           Thursday            1,790 calories        nothing
         7/11           Friday                 1,682 calories        nothing        
         7/12           Saturday             2,441 calories        nothing        

Goal:          86.7   lbs.         (100 lb. loss between 6/1/14 – 6/1/15)
                  - 3.0   lbs.         this week’s loss
                  83.7 lbs to go

         This was a great week calorie wise, but it was quite frustrating in the exercise area. I pulled a butt muscle and was out of exercise after Tuesday. Did I really just type “butt muscle?"  I even surprised myself. Pulling a muscle is so flipping annoying! 

Wants and Wishes

         I want to get this blog a minimum of six weeks ahead before school begins, because the self-imposed pressure would give me less stress if I were pretty far ahead. My Mom thinks I should stop posting every day and reduce the stress, but I love what I am doing, and I set my goal very high. My thought is to “do it well, or not at all!”

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