Monday, September 8, 2014

Week 35 Monday (9/8/14)


Recipe Review          
Today’s Recipe and Location:           Peach Crisp with Maple Cream Sauce
         Found in: The Pioneer Woman Cooks: Recipes from an Accidental Country Girl      Pages: 230 - 232       Copyright:  2009  Harper Collins OR

I figured out that there are 395 calories per serving, if 10 servings are made. (Please note that the calorie counts vary depending on the specific brands of ingredients that you choose to use.)

I will post the picture tomorrow - something happened to all of my files. YIKES!

I LOVE this dessert. I crisp is a wonderful dessert that is rich and decadent. I have always had apple crisp and I must say that this one is amazing. The maple cream sauce is so good that you could just drink it out of the glass. The sauce mixed with the crisp is a delightful surprise. You really need to consider making this one right now while the peaches are plentiful and sweet!

Random Reflections - Bucket List

Bucket List #23
       One of the things I would like to do is to learn a great deal about fostering animals. One of my goals for retirement is to foster animals at my home in Kentucky. I love animals and would like to help care for animals in need. I think that would be a good use of my time, and it would give me tremendous pleasure.

Becky’s Bucket List #23
I would like to learn more about fostering animals
Visit the narrowed list of Kentucky towns each for a weekend
Have a B.M.I. of 24.9 or lower
Return to Florida/Alabama and see old friends
Play tennis again
Learn to play bridge
Have an in-ground pool
Finish writing a book on the Scent Family
Save up enough money for a down payment on my Kentucky house
Research every town in Kentucky in hopes of relocating
Work on learning calligraphy and bettering daily penmanship
Begin making my own clothing using a mannequin
Volunteer at an animal rescue
Visit all 50 states
Photography courses
Complete all of Mom’s and my scrapbooks
Go skiing again in Colorado
Meet the Duggar family
Watch every nominee and winner for the Academy Awards to date
Remodel my kitchen
Take piano lessons
Write 2 books for my great-nephews
Travel to Wales
Travel to Scotland
Alaskan cruise

Why Weight?
8/31                Sunday                  1,813 calories         nothing                 
9/1                  Monday                 1,996 calories         Labor Day                  
9/2                  Tuesday                1,598 calories         nothing
9/3                  Wednesday            1,785 calories         Back to School Night
9/4                  Thursday               1,659 calories         Curves
9/5                  Friday                    1,530 calories         walked Otter Creek
9/6                  Saturday                1,697 calories         nothing

Goal:             72.9 lbs.         (100 lb. loss between 6/1/14 – 6/1/15)
                  -    0.4 lbs.         this week’s loss
                     72.5 lbs.         pounds to go

         Four tenths is not what I was quite hoping for, but I guess it is better than a gain. The cause – gosh could it be that we see almost no exercise last week. I know better, but it just wasn’t in the cards. I also had a low step count. Well, I’ll try not to dwell on the negative and start all over again.

8/31 Sun.                    6,365 steps                  2,692 calories burned
9/1   Mon.                   7,569 steps                  2,781 calories burned
9/2   Tues.                  5,840 steps                  2,683 calories burned
9/3   Wed.                   8,970 steps                  2,927 calories burned
9/4   Thurs.                9,138 steps                  2,935 calories burned
9/5   Fri.                   12,445 steps                  3,211calories burned
9/6   Sat.                  10,608 steps                  3,032 calories burned

Wants and Wishes

         I really want to take my Mom with me and locate every house I have ever lived in and photograph it. I know the homes from when I was in first grade on, but I have no idea of the places w lived when I was a baby or youngster. This would also be fun to go with Mom and enjoy her memories.

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