Friday, February 21, 2014

Week 7 Friday (2/21/14)

Recipe Review

Today’s Recipe and Location:  Whiskey-Mustard Meatballs
         Found in: The Pioneer Woman Cooks: Food From my Frontier
                           Pages 112 - 113      Copyright:  2012  Harper Collins

I figured out that there are 136 calories per meatball, if 30 1-inch meatballs are made. (Please note that the calorie counts vary depending on the specific brands of ingredients that you choose to use.)

         I have now made these little gems many times and have had great results. I love that you make them in the large cast iron skillet and then stick a toothpick in each one and serve it in the pan. They are a great hors de ouvres or try Ree’s other recipe for Meatball sliders.  That will be in the blog in a week or two or three.
          I made them yesterday and tried Jenny’s idea.  I made full size burgers out of the mix.  I truly believe in freezing the food because I made four servings. I partially cooked the burgers until rare and then froze them in the sauce. This is a trick my Mom taught me when I was in high school. If you grill a burger until just about rare and then freeze them they can be thawed and micro-waved when you need a quick meal. The grilled taste comes through and since they were marinaded in the sauce they were outstanding.

These are the hamburgers created from the recipe

Today’s critics: 

         Madonna Strom:  Delicious!  A really good meatball and great for the holidays.
         Debra Pauling:  Good!
         Allison Gibson:  “Delicious!  I loved the Panko in it.
         Suzie Lemon:  “Yummy, good flavor and spice!  Loved it!
         Adrianne Gallaugher-Beetstra:  “Perfect amount of zip!  Great texture and it is rich and yummy!  Thank you.”
         Kim Howells:  “I liked the flavor – especially that it had a little spice at the end.”
         Genesis Madigan:  “I liked that the flavor was a little spicy but not too much.”
         Deb Klos:  “Moist and flavorful with a little zing!”
         Sara Gress:  “The meatball is delicious.  It would make an awesome meatloaf.”
         Christie Griffin:  They had multiple layers of flavor!  Delish!  Would be good as burgers with onions or rolls with BBQ sauce.”
         Jenny Anderson: “ I served them over egg noodles, drained, and put back in the pan with melted butter I served it with sauce on the top.  These would also make great hamburgers!”

Why Weight?

         I was watching Dr. Oz and he was sharing information about how we need to watch our hip to waist ratio. He was talking about how we used to focus on how the belly area should not be where you carry your weight because it can lead to an increased chance of having a heart attack. 

         The example he gave of the hip waist ratio was of a person whose waist is 30 inches and their waist is 40 inches.  The ratio is 30/40 = 0.75.  The total must be less than 0.85 or you need to reduce the difference. This person would have been okay because their number was lower than 85.
         Now all I have to do is lose enough weight so my waist is near 30 and my hips are near 40 (that sounds like a dream to me) and then I will fall in the range. Maybe dreams can come true???

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Week 7 Thursday (2/20/14)

Recipe Review

Today’s Recipe and Location:  Asian Hot Wings
         Found in: The Pioneer Woman Cooks: Food From my Frontier
                           Pages 108 - 109      Copyright:  2012  Harper Collins

I figured out that there are 75 calories per wing. (Please note that the calorie counts vary depending on the specific brands of ingredients that you choose to use.)

         This wonderful, spicy dish is a favorite of mine. I am not however, a wing fan.  So I changed my recipe to chicken breasts smothered in the Asian Hot wing sauce. The first time I made it with wings and they just don’t thrill me because I like more meat and it is a pain because of how many you have to eat to be satisfied.  Just try it with a chicken breast or thigh and you will be one happy camper. I even froze a few breasts in the sauce and they came out magnificent!  Yeah Ree!
         By the way, I gave up on finding plum jelly, Brandy.  I just substituted plum sauce that is found in this area.

Here are the chicken breasts I used instead of wings

Today’s critics: 

       Brandy:  - Loved them, that sauce was so good...I will be making it again for chicken breasts and stir, to find that blasted plum jelly.
         Nicole: Joe, Gianna, and I  all liked them but Gianna thought they were a little spicy but she likes wings.

Random Reflections

         One of my favorite things to do is to create family games for our holiday party. We have had so many kinds that I am always looking for a new idea. 
         One of my favorite games basically taught the kids about the history and memories of their parents. It was a fun game and we have one heck of a competitive family.  In fact on one Easter when the kids were younger, the boys knocked the girls down the stairs hunting for Easter eggs.  No one was hurt but I learned that all games should start at ground level.
         My prizes for the past few years have been lottery tickets. It probably isn’t the best gift to give, but we enjoy them.  Everyone usually walks away with a ticket or two.

Irksome Ideas and Images

         One of my pet peeves is watching people yawn without covering their mouths. My Mom was big on this when we were kids, and it is deeply instilled in me.  I teach covering the mouth to my kids at school because apparently this is not something that all of them practice. I share with them that no one wants to see food in their teeth or if their tonsils are inflamed. Of course, they laugh at this but I do get my point across. This is not a slam against their parents but being 10 or 11 years old, they do not always practice what they have been taught at home.
         At this time of year they have wonderful manners. I was pleased to hear one of the kids remind another to cover their mouth. It begins with one and then spreads to others. Isn’t life great?

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Week 7 Wednesday (2/19/14)

Recipe Review

Today’s Recipe and Location:  Fried Mozzarella
         Found in: The Pioneer Woman Cooks: Food From my Frontier
                           Pages 104 - 105      Copyright:  2012  Harper Collins

I figured out that there are 58 calories per serving, if 32 servings are made. (Please note that the calorie counts vary depending on the specific brands of ingredients that you choose to use.)

         Who knew you could make these at home and they are just as good when you buy them at a restaurant or takeout joint?  You actually start with a mozzarella stick and go from there with wonderful breading. And spices.  This would take minutes for a party and be a true hit!

Today’s critics: 

         The Serpicos:  We loved the crispiness.  Joe said, “I really like these.  They’re good!”

Gabbin’ About Gratitude

Today, I am sharing a thought from Henry David Thoreau from 1856. He said, “I am grateful for what I am and have. My thanksgiving is perpetual. It is surprising how contented one can be with nothing definite – only a sense of existence.”
                           (shared from Real Simple Magazine (Nov. 2013)

Memory Musings

         One of my favorite childhood game memories was of playing bicycle tag.  We lived in the perfect subdivision for this game because the streets went up and down. If I remember the game correctly, someone was “it.” The way to get someone was to pass them going the same direction, and then they became “it.” This was a lot of fun because it was very physical and we had a four-block neighborhood with large lots. We could sit at the top of a rise and see pretty far in each direction. It was a very healthy game to play because you had to pedal for a long time to outride whoever was coming and we were never sure who was really “it.” This is yet another way we filled our days in good ole’ Rainbow Hills.  

My Gorgeous Girls

           It was really nice to have Monday off of school.  The steady snow was about to do me in, however. The best part of it was watching Sage sit on the deck enjoying the day. She really loves the snow and refused to come in the house. I thought you might enjoy seeing her. 
         I am also showing you a picture of the wicked icycle hanging from the corner of my house. This was was a doozie!


This was one heck of an monster!

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Wek 7 Tuesday (2/18/14)

Recipe Review

Today’s Recipe and Location:  French Onion Soup
         Found in: The Pioneer Woman Cooks: Food From my Frontier
                           Pages 84 - 85      Copyright:  2012  Harper Collins

I figured out that there are 484 calories per serving, if 8 servings are made. (Please note that the calorie counts vary depending on the specific brands of ingredients that you choose to use.)

         I am the only critic on this one because I have no idea how to transport this one (even next door). I love onion soup and the crouton and cheese made my tummy warm and happy.  Soup is such a great thing to serve during these long hard winter nights.  I made mine in a little ramekin and it just brought a smile to my face. I love ramekins.  There is a topic for another day.

Today’s critics:  Just little ole’ me.

Why Weight?

         I have always been a slow eater compared to the rest of my family. At Curves we were discussing how the problem with watching your weight is that it takes a while for your stomach to alert your brain that you are actually full. Now this is definitely true because there are days when I am starving, but I know I have had enough to eat.
         One of my Curves friends told us that we should try eating with the opposite hand and that would slow us down. She was absolutely right!  It is also a great activity for your brain because it is difficult for us not to eat with our dominant hand.  I do have to say that it made for a frustrating dinner but it really does slow you down.
         I also overheard a conversation between two ladies who discussed using chopsticks to slow down their eating rate, and not just on Chinese food but for everything.  This is a great idea.  I own many sets of chopsticks and never thought to even try this. 
         Let me know if either of these tricks work for you.

My Gorgeous Girls

         My girls love to play.  We have many favorite toys.  The most important toy we have is the frisbee. Spring, summer, and fall you can find us out in the yard throwing and catching our soft Frisbees.  (I am the one throwing in case you were wondering). As you can see from the pictures, they are pretty serious about this toy.
         Another favorite is Bear.  I only purchase nonstuffed toys now because my house suffers if I do not do so. One day I came home and it looked like it had snowed in my living room.  Stuffing is far too much fun to shake around the room so I just don’t waste money on those toys.  Unfortunately my dogs dismember their stuffed animals. I find bear or frog’s arm or leg when I pick up the poop in the yard. Not a pretty sight.
         We have other miscellaneous toys but Frisbee, bear, fox, and frog seem to be our favorites today.

This is a pitiful bear (Sage ate off her arms and one leg)

This is pitiful bear with an almost whole second bear

This is Fox (she is down to one front leg)

This is frog - she is almost down to just a head

Monday, February 17, 2014

Week 7 Monday (2/17/14)

Recipe Review

Today’s Recipe and Location:  Drip Beef
         Found in: The Pioneer Woman Cooks: Food From my Frontier
                           Pages 64 - 65      Copyright:  2012  Harper Collins

Calories will vary depending on the size of the chuck roast. I used one that was 3.6 lbs. and the calories with the deli roll were 510 calories. (Please note that the calorie counts vary depending on the specific brands of ingredients that you choose to use.)

Look at those peperocinis!

         I am in love with this drip beef.  I always called this type of sammy an Italian beef.  These sandwiches are something I could eat every day for lunch. There is so much flavor here. In fact, I think that I had this for three days in a row.  One day, I forgot my slices of bread.  Jenny was going home so I asked her to bring me back some bread.  She did and it just completed the meal.  Yeah, for drip beef with peperoncinis! A true success.


Today’s critics: 

       Brandy:  Drip Beef - We loved it! I will be making this again for sure. Great little sandwiches and very filling.

         Nicole:  We liked that one.  Joe and I liked it.  I think only Gianna was here to eat it on that night.

Craft Corner

         I love scrapbooking. This is another creative outlet for me. Today, most people seem to use the internet and create books on line.  I have to say they are beautiful but I haven’t ventured into this area yet.  I do like the creative aspect of the old way of scrapbooking, but I bet it doesn’t last as long as the beautiful books I have looked at that held pictures.
         One thing those books do not allow for as actual memorabilia like letters and such. I guess you could take a picture but actually seeing the real thing is sometimes better.  I am wavering on this area and may have to investigate how to do these beautiful books – who knows maybe I can be converted to the new way.

Random Reflections

         I love T.V.  We were a television watching family when I grew up. Of course in those days the only channels were 2,5,7,9,11, and 32.  Today, you can watch T.V. 24/7. I always knew it was time to go to bed in the old days when the National Anthem played and the screen went blank.  No wonder there are so many sleep deprived people out there today.
         My favorite show was The Closer. Kyra Sedgwick is a phenomenal actress and I loved her in the role of Brenda Lee Johnson. Unfortunately, the original show ended but most of the cast returned in a new favorite of mine called Major Crimes. I love a good police show and this one has great humor. 
         I discovered Ree Drummond and Pioneer Woman two years ago. I love her show because it gives you glimpses into her life as well as wonderful cooking tips and recipes. This is where this entire blog came from. I love watching Ree and her family and wish I could see her beautiful ranch. What a breath-taking place to live and have her kids grow up.
         I also love the show 19 Kids and Counting. I hear people make a lot of comments on how they should not have that many kids, and la de da, but I love this family. They have solid family values, are debt-free and seem to have raised wonderful kids.  Who am I to judge their life choices?  The show is always light and fun and just lifts my spirits. I love to see how they organize their home and the things they do as a family for other people. They are teaching their children to have a giving heart and to act on it. I bet many of their critics don’t think of others as much as this family does each day.  Before we judge the choices of others, maybe we should look at ourselves and our choices.
         A new favorite show is Downton Abbey. I love the setting and the drama this family experiences. In the past, I did not always enjoy this type of historical drama but this one is so well written and acted that it hooked me in right away. If you have never watched this one – check it out.
         I love Project Runway. This show inspires me to begin creating clothes again. I have not done that since college. This is a show that inspires creativity. I love to watch the show and become a judge of what I like and dislike.  Who knows, maybe there is more sewing in my future.

Wants and Wishes

         For one day, I want a house that has every shelf, drawer and closet perfect and is clean and neat. One of my first goals for retirement is to work to make my home absolutely perfect. Every drawer, closet, and room will be organized, cleaned, and straightened.  That of course, should take a full year.  Now I am already pretty organized but there is room for improvement.  I will need to purge a tremendous amount of school paraphernalia to begin with and then move on to struggling through everything in the craft room.  I have so many crafts that I love to work on that it will be difficult to figure what I need and what I should let go of then.  Maybe I just need to make a schedule for the year and vary each month the type of projects that I tackle. 
         I would love to do that now, but my life is so full with school, teaching at the university, cooking, and this blog that spring break and summer are my best shot at beginning some of those challenges. 
         Well, the sun is up and the days are beginning to lengthen so each day will give me a little more light to work in.  I am just going to continue to tackle each project as it comes and enjoy every day.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Week 6 Sunday (2/16/14)

Recipe Review

Today’s Recipe and Location:  Raspberry and Blackberry Butter
         Found in: The Pioneer Woman Cooks: Food From my Frontier
                           Pages 28 - 30      Copyright:  2012  Harper Collins

I figured out that there are 326 calories per serving, if 10 servings are made. (Please note that the calorie counts vary depending on the specific brands of ingredients that you choose to use.)

         I made both types of berry butter for both critics.  I did not partake of either type of berry butter because I have an allergy to berries.  I also did not remake them to take a picture since both critics panned this recipe.

Today’s critics: 

       Brandy:  Berry Butter - No thanks, I will keep my berries and my butter separate, thanks.

       Nicole:  I don’t get the point.  Why don’t you just put them both on the table.  I would not make this recipe.

Trivial Triffles

This is a suggestion for all young people.  (OMG that now makes me one of the old people.  I guess I knew it but just wanted to be in denial).

                           OPEN A RETIREMENT ACCOUNT! 

         As a teacher, we currently have a retirement plan from TRS.  Many places do not. As teachers, we cannot get social security because the powers that be, state we would be double dipping.  Now this is extremely annoying to someone who continues to put money in to Social Security but will never get it out. I wish I had begun my 403B account many years earlier.  I would have had quite a little safety nest built up for my old age.  Do as I say and not as I did!
         Be smart and start investing for your future.  It is never too young to save, even if it starts with $50 - $100 a month.  Come on – you can waste that much during a fun weekend. Be one of the brilliant ones and look beyond today!!!

Memory Musings

         When I was in Elementary School, my family took a wonderful summer trip to Estes Park in Colorado.  Our family was driving the stunning blue station wagon with the fake wood on the side all the way west.  My Grandparents came along on the trip. I really don’t know how we fit eight people in that station wagon with all of our gear, but we did it.
         Estes Park was so much fun. We went on a trail rides and hiked the mountain. The owners had fed the squirrels so much that they would take food right out of your hand. I remember playing shuffle board with my grandmother and having a great time.
         One day my sister, Kim, and I decided to climb up the mountain. We started up and were having a great time. On the way down Kim slipped and landed in a cactus.  Now it was just a little thing that was only a couple of inches tall but the spines went into her knee.  She was okay and we did have a good laugh over the whole thing, so I dug up that cactus and brought it home as a souvenir.  I had that cactus until adulthood, mine not the cactus’.  Weird memory.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Week 6 Saturday (2/15/14)

Recipe Review

Today’s Recipe and Location:  Sloppy Joes
         Found in: The Pioneer Woman Cooks: Food From my Frontier
                           Pages 58 - 59      Copyright:  2012  Harper Collins

I figured out that there are 466 calories per serving if no bun or 661 calories with a bun, if 8 servings are made. (Please note that the calorie counts vary depending on the specific brands of ingredients that you choose to use.)

         I have never been a big fan of sloppy joes, but I have to say that I really enjoyed these created by Ree.  Maybe my taste buds have changed so much that I am now open to new flavors.  I love the chili powder in these and would even add more next time.  I might also add a 4 oz. can of chilies and keep the chili powder, too.  I usually do not eat sloppy joes on a bun because I like having fewer calories but if I do splurge on a bun I use the mini Kaiser rolls.  If you are a big fan of sloppy joes, try these and let me know what you think.

It looks amazing - doesn't it?

Today’s critics: 

       Brandy - They were good, but missing the zing. I needed way more zing or sweetness or something... don't know what I'd do differently, but they needed something....

Random Reflections

         Until I started working on this blog I forgot how much I love to write. Writing if not forced, can be relaxing and fun.  I work really hard at school to help my students develop a love for writing.  For some, it will always be a chore, but if I can reach a few of them, it will be wonderful.
         When I began this blog, the goal was to write a Julie/Julia type review of Ree Drummond’s fabulous recipes.  Somehow, it just became a little bit about this and that and I was so surprised how it grew and grew. I think I was having so much fun I didn’t even realize how enormous it had become. 
         I have heard back from many people but they all tell me what they like and it varies from person to person so I am not going to worry about it.  People are too nice to say they think it’s a dumb idea so I am just going to continue to do what I love and put my thoughts down on paper.

Helpful Home Hints

Plumbing tip of the month:

         We waste a lot of fuel on water heaters. Sometimes people make a major mistake because of a misconception. Let’s say you are taking a shower and the water if just not hot enough for you. So you make elect to turn up your hot water heater.  MISTAKE!!  Did you know that there is an anti-scald or pressure balancing value in your shower?  This is there to protect you from being seriously burned.  Don’t turn up the water heater, because the real solution would be to call a plumber to adjust the value in the shower.  This value must be removed to be adjusted or changed, so this is a task you may not feel up to trying on your own. I would personally call a plumber because I do not want or need the hassle of a water problem. This was new information for me! 
         Your water heater should be set in the range of 125 – 130 degrees.  The 125 to 130 degree range is specifically for washing dishes. One hundred forty is unsafe and excessive.  According to code, your shower is only set between 110 – 120 degrees, which is for your safety. Any shower setting above 120 degrees can scald          you within two minutes. So be smart, save money, and avoid being scalded!  Happy showering!
         If you have any plumbing needs call Matt and Steve at:

Good Call Plumbing
Fax  630-365-6748

Tell them Becky sent ya!