Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Week 37 Tuesday (9/23/14)

Recipe Review       
Today’s Recipe and Location:           Flat Apple Pie
         Found in: The Pioneer Woman Cooks: Recipes from an Accidental Country Girl         Pages: 216 - 217       Copyright:  2009  Harper Collins

I figured out that there are 388 calories per serving, if 8 servings are made. (Please note that the calorie counts vary depending on the specific brands of ingredients that you choose to use.)

***I think that the pie was such a mess that I forgot to take a photo. OOPS!
Check out Rees photos, as they look pretty good.

         I really liked the flavor of this pie. The execution of it was disastrous, however.  The filling went together easily. The crust was made easily, but the sides didn’t all stay up so all of the yummy juices and sugars oozed out all over the baking sheet.
         I did take it to school where it was enjoyed, but my friend, Deb, wondered about the cinnamon. I explained that there wasn’t any because of the brown sugar, but then the problem was that the pie lost a lot of the sugar on the pan.
         Next time, I will make the exact same recipe, including the pie crust, but have a top and bottom in the deep dish pie plate. The rustic look may just not be for me.

My Gorgeous Girls
       There are great rebates out there for both heart worm and flea and tick medicine. I am blessed in that the Sandwich Veterinary Clinic always alerts me when I purchase the medicine. I will be receiving a $10 and $25 rebate for purchasing six months worth of medicine for the girls. Don’t be afraid to ask your vet.

The grass was so deep that I
almost lost the girls

Lying in the grass is safe because of the flea 
and tick meds they are using.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Week 37 Monday (9/22/14)

Recipe Review       
Today’s Recipe and Location:           Chicken Pot Pie
         Found in: The Pioneer Woman Cooks: Recipes from an Accidental Country Girl         Pages: 126 - 127       Copyright:  2009  Harper Collins
Perfect Pie Crust         Pages: 128 – 129

I figured out that there are 437 calories per serving, if 10 servings are made or 365 calories for 12 servings. (Please note that the calorie counts vary depending on the specific brands of ingredients that you choose to use.)

I chopped them up pretty fine

They are in the pot where I added the peas

In went the chicken broth, wine, and
OMG the heavy cream.
Don't ya just love that cream?

Here is the final product ready to go in the oven

         I love chicken pot pie. This one only had a top crust while I prefer both a top and bottom one. Next time, I will put some cayenne or red pepper flakes in the filling to add a bit of interest. This is definitely a comfort food that everyone should enjoy as the weather gets cooler.

Random Reflections - Bucket List

       One of the things I love to do is play games. I love board, card, or almost any game. I have never really played the types of video games that have American kids obsessed. So, one of the things I would love to do when I retire is host a game party for my family and cousins. Sounds like a plan.

Becky’s Bucket List #26
Host a game party
Purchase a truck
I would like to learn more about fostering animals
Visit the narrowed list of Kentucky towns each for a weekend
Have a B.M.I. of 24.9 or lower
Return to Florida/Alabama and see old friends
Play tennis again
Learn to play bridge
Have an in-ground pool
Finish writing a book on the Scent Family
Save up enough money for a down payment on my Kentucky house
Research every town in Kentucky in hopes of relocating
Work on learning calligraphy and bettering daily penmanship
Begin making my own clothing using a mannequin
Volunteer at an animal rescue
Visit all 50 states
Photography courses
Complete all of Mom’s and my scrapbooks
Go skiing again in Colorado
Meet the Duggar family
Watch every nominee and winner for the Academy Awards to date
Remodel my kitchen
Take piano lessons
Write 2 books for my great-nephews
Travel to Wales
Travel to Scotland
Alaskan cruise

Why Weight?

9/15                  Monday                  1,698 calories         Curves                 
9/16                  Tuesday                 3,267 calories         nothing
9/17                  Wednesday             1,488 calories         Curves
9/18                  Thursday                1,583 calories         Curves
9/19                  Friday                     1,715 calories         mowed
9/20                  Saturday                 1,468 calories         nothing

         As usual, Sunday is a larger calorie day, and it seems to work for me. However, this week I had a total meltdown on Wednesday. I have never handled stress well, but since I started focusing on being healthier I have kept it pretty much under control. On Wednesday, I had a very difficult day at school, was worried about a friend, and felt anxious. The day went well until about seven o’clock when I just lost it. I ate an entire box of Hostess chocolate filled Twinkies. Yes – the entire box! That is a total of 10 count’em 10 Twinkies. I wanted to feel nothing, and in the past binging has worked for me. After eight of the little gems I was not feeling numb, but ill. I had already eaten dinner before I went on the binge so it wasn’t the wonderful Twinkies that made me sick, it was the sheer amount of food I had consumed. Did I eat those last two Twinkies? Don’t be silly! Of course, I did.
         They are gone, praise the Lord. I do have a different type in the basement – but I need them to be there so I know that I can handle it. Having one here or there is no problem, but an entire box is a bad choice all around. At least I got through the rest of the week and ended up losing 1.6 lbs. I’LL TAKE THAT! 

Goal:                    70.4 lbs.          (100 lb. loss between 6/1/14 – 6/1/15)
                  -   1.6 lbs.         this week’s loss
                    68.8 lbs. lbs to go

Sun.                   9/14                  6,829 steps                  2,689 calories burned
Mon.                  9/15                  9,831 steps                  3,010 calories burned
Tues.                 9/16                  4,842 steps                  2,540 calories burned
Wed.`                9/17                  7,753 steps                  2,866 calories burned
Thurs.                9/18                  6,764 steps                  2,751 calories burned
Fri.                     9/19                10,490 steps                  3,000 calories burned
Sat.                     9/20                  2,613 steps                  2,179 calories burned

         An okay week, but not nearly as successful as last week. My steps were not great on Saturday, because I felt nauseous on and off all day. I felt better on Sunday, thank Heavens.

Wants and Wishes

         I was watching Pastor Joel Osteen on Sunday morning and he helped me understand that everything that challenges us during the day is God’s way of helping us learn to deal with things that don’t go our way. The secret is to remember that our challenges are not something to get upset over, but to learn an appropriate way to deal with them. This is something that I really want to take to heart and work on this week.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Week 36 Sunday (9/21/14)

Recipe Review       
Today’s Recipe and Location:           Migas
         Found in: The Pioneer Woman Cooks: Recipes from an Accidental Country Girl         Pages: 61 - 63       Copyright:  2009  Harper Collins

I figured out that there are 478 calories per serving, if 4 servings are made. (Please note that the calorie counts vary depending on the specific brands of ingredients that you choose to use.)

The peppers and onion make such a pretty pan

Here, I have added the egg mixture 

The eggs are SLOWLY cooking

         When I initially made the Migas, I had mixed reviews. I took one over to Nicole and she had the same impression that I had at the time. We felt that they lacked a zip or a spice. The funny thing is that I called Jenny and asked her if she would eat one for breakfast the next day. Both, she and I thought they were great on day 2. Maybe, the flavors needed to meld together.
         I did make two changes. I did not put in the tomatoes or the fried corn tortillas. I substituted two small snack packages of Fritos. Each Miga got ½ of a small package. The Fritos were wonderful in the Migas.

Trivial Triffles

         I just saw a picture in a magazine of Jennifer Aniston. Of course, the caption once again talked about her hairstyle. That made me think of the important hairstyles during my lifetime.
         First, there was Jan Brady. She had the long beautiful hair that I always wanted as a kid, except that I wanted black Hawaiian hair. I know, it’s hard to picture Jan is a black wig – wait! I think she wore an ugly one on the show. But imagine it long and flowing and silky black. That would be the hair I wanted.
         I always thought Jackie Kennedy was such a classy lady. I thought that her hair at the time was great. Now, I think it kind of looked like a football helmet. Oh, how times have changed.
         And then, there was Marilyn Monroe. Her hair was platinum and soft and curly. I liked her hair now and then, but I am not too found of the platinum part. I find her life to have been so sad.
         Finally, there is Farrah Fawcett. When I was a teenager her hair was the bomb. She was the “it” girl. She was the pin-up every boy had in his room. She had amazing hair. I always loved that hair.
         Whose hair did you admire?

Memory Musings

         Earlier in the week I described how I got my job at Greenman Elementary in Aurora. My first day at Greenman was extremely memorable. I was a nervous wreck, but the kids were fantastic. One little boy named Mike was also a wreck and vomited on his desk. I was gagging and couldn’t remain in that room with that smell. I taught the entire rest of the day outside under a big oak tree. The principal thought it was a great idea, because I solved my own problem.
         Poor Mike, who eventually became a principal, came back the next day bright eyed and bushy tailed. He was such a wonderful, brilliant little boy and remains a fantastic man today.

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Week 36 Saturday (9/20/14)

Today’s Recipe and Location:           Twice Baked Potatoes     
         Found in: The Pioneer Woman Cooks: Recipes from an Accidental Country Girl         Pages: 152-153       Copyright:  2009  Harper Collins

I figured out that there are 336 calories per half potato serving. (Please note that the calorie counts vary depending on the specific brands of ingredients that you choose to use.)

I tried to leave enough around the edge so the
blasted thing didn't fold and collapse

Mash those ingredients together

I think they look pretty good!

I really could use some of that
bacon and cheese right now.

         Here is yet another fabulous potato recipe from Pioneer Woman, Ree Drummond.. I made these wonderful potatoes and froze them so I could have them at any time. I think that any recipe that includes bacon is a masterpiece. What is it about it that just tops off a recipe?
         These potatoes have so much flavor, I think I need to buy stock in the company that creates Lawry’s seasoned salt because I seem to be using it a lot lately. The other thing I am noticing, is that the longer I make Ree’s recipes, the more I am increasing the amount of pepper that I add to the mix. Pepper is my new favorite spice. Who knew that creating the recipes of a woman from Oklahoma, that I have never met, could have so thoroughly changed my taste buds. I love being Julia to Ree’s, Julie.

Random Reflections
Yard Art - giant flowers       

         These flowers give me great pleasure. I love that they are large, happy flowers. I pick up yard art everywhere I encounter it. There are so many places that sell various items for the garden.

This adds some height and color in front of the fence

This is similar to the other but it is a happy yellow color.

Helpful Home Hints

         How many Rubbermaid or Tupperware containers do you have in your kitchen? I found that I had at least triple the amount I could use in a lifetime. I am not sure how they grew and grew, but they did. I pulled all of them out of my cabinets and matched them to the correct lids, a real feat in itself.  I do not understand how you can lose the lids to so many containers. Where did they go? Are they with the socks that don’t match?  This is a real mystery!
         Anyway, I only kept the best ones that actually fit in the space with crowding or tumbling. I gave a lot away and had to throw away those that are stained, or dishwasher warped. I feel like a new person.

I have now matched them all. I have so many
different types - it's just not like me at all


Friday, September 19, 2014

Week 36 Friday (9/19/14)

Recipe Review       
Today’s Recipe and Location:           PW’s Creamy Mashed Potatoes
         Found in: The Pioneer Woman Cooks: Recipes from an Accidental Country Girl   Pages:  146 - 149      Copyright:  2009  Harper Collins

I figured out that there are 457 calories per serving, if 8 servings are made. (Please note that the calorie counts vary depending on the specific brands of ingredients that you choose to use.)

May I just state the obvious
mashed potatoes just don't photograph well

         Being a meat and potatoes girl makes this an amazing dish for me. Ree makes mashed potatoes like my best friend, Donna Dowd, does every holiday. They are both filled with goodness. The creamy part comes from the cream cheese and half-and-half. Tonight, my dreams will be of a great meal filled with creamy potatoes!

Fabulous “Family and Friends” Food

Mom’s Peanut Butter Cookies

1 cup shortening
1 cup granulated sugar
1 cup brown sugar
2 eggs
½ teasp. vanilla
1 cup smooth peanut butter
2.5 cups flour
1 teasp. baking soda
1 teasp. salt

         Cream together the shortening and sugar. Add the eggs and beat. Now, add the peanut butter and vanilla and mix together.
         In a separate bowl, mix the flour, soda, and salt. Add this mixture slowly to the creamy mixture.
         Bake in a 350 degree oven. No time was written down so check the first batch and record the time.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Week 36 Thursday (9/18/14)

Recipe Review 
Today’s Recipe and Location:  Macaroni and Cheese        
         Found in: The Pioneer Woman Cooks: Recipes from an Accidental Country Girl         Pages: 96 - 97       Copyright:  2009  Harper Collins

I figured out that there are 417 calories per serving, if 8 servings are made. (Please note that the calorie counts vary depending on the specific brands of ingredients that you choose to use.)

I initially made it in a large container
I made half of the recipe

Here are the containers I use for one serving.

         How did I ever love the boxed macaroni and cheese? Just because something is fast to make, doesn’t mean we should make it. Ree has a few recipes for Macaroni and cheese and this is a great one, too. My favorite is her adult mac and cheese from her second book, but I must say that this one is amazing, especially for kids. The other recipe is like a loaded macaroni and cheese which is especially decadent for adults. This one is more kid friendly, but she still comes through with a great flavor! Leave the box mix in the store where it belongs. This one only takes a few minutes more to make, but boy oh boy does it taste yummy.

Random Reflections - The Glorious Garden  

Jackmandi Clematis

These just take your breath when they are in full bloom

They are climbing a circular trellis,
but they will continue up and over the fence!

This is an older clematis that is well established.

       I absolutely adore this Jackmandi clematis. My plant is eight years old and is quite established. This Jackmandi is very full, in fact it is soooo full, that it now grows up the trellis every year. Last year, it actually starting growing along both sides of my six foot fence.
         The tag says that it can grow to a height of seven to ten feet. The spread for this clematis is between three to six feet, which makes this an amazingly beautiful plant. The blooms are a deep blue-purple color. It is a very rich color and looks great in the yard. The flowers bloom from the middle of the summer for a few months. Mine is in full sun but it can also grow in partial shade. This plant does not need a lot of care, and it needs the regular amount of water. You should always plant this clematis in well-drained soil. You really must have a strong, very tall trellis for this amazing plant.

Irksome Ideas and Images

         Do you like junk mail?  Does anyone like it?  Well, I’ve decided someone must, because otherwise I wouldn’t get so much every day. I glance at it but more often than not, I just throw it away. What a waste of trees. I do like the store flyers and the restaurant coupons, but I can live without advertisements for a realtor, insurance reps, or dentists. I already have all of these people and I sure didn’t select them from a flyer. A word of mouth recommendation goes a lot further than a postcard.